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Friends Summit 2023

Kingdom. mission. passion.

Conversations that could change your life!

Friends Summit is all about the movement. The movement among young adult Friends. The church movement. The Kingdom. Summit is a national conference for young adults to experience how the reality of God’s kingdom is calling the Friends Church in mission and engaging us with passion. Kingdom. Mission. Passion.

Summit is a conference that is designed around conversations that will celebrate and fuel the movement; from engaging worship sessions to quiet moments of prayer, from teaching to discussion groups, from Coffee House themes to simple moments with a friend. Our stories provoke the conversation. Conversations that capture the imagination. Conversations that draw out our passion for the mission of the Kingdom. Summit will host conversations that shape the
church. Conversations that could change your life!


Who is Summit for?

Young Adults ages 16-25 who:

  • Are emerging leaders who desire to follow Jesus and want to see His redeeming Kingdom on Earth

  • Wish to take the next steps to grow in the way they serve and lead within the church and community

  • Are willing to imagine with others what the Friends Church could become for future generations


Mentor/Advocates who:

  • Have a mutually positive relationship with young adults

  • Is coming from and returning with young adult/s to the same local church/area

  • Is a “weighty Friend” who is a spiritual leader

  • Is interested in innovation, a good listener, likes to engage to help process

  • Might already be working closely with young adults, or might be an influential person in the church who doesn’t specifically serve with youth or young adult ministries but could be an effective bridge or voice between young adults and the greater Body.


What can participants expect at Summit?

  • To be equipped with a growing understanding of spiritual leadership and how it works in the life of a Friends leader.
    How do we become people who can lead Friends into a future filled with dangerous opportunity?

  • An environment that gives freedom to dream for the kingdom and church, and practice discerning next steps.
    How do we discern what God might do through us in the local church, in our communities, and throughout the world, for God’s Kingdom?

  • An inter-generational relationship with leaders, ministries, and resources connected to the Friends Movement.
    What might happen if young adults with a vision had partners, support, and resources from existing Friends ministries?




  • Step One: Prayerfully invite young adults to attend Summit, helping them register and make travel plans.

  • Step Two: Help young adults prayerfully invite mentor-advocates (1 Mentor/Advocate for every 2 or 3 young 
    adults) to walk alongside them at Summit.

  • Step Three: Prayerfully decide an amount to allocate towards scholarships for young adults to help with
    registration and travel costs.


Friends Summit is sponsored and planned by the six regions of Evangelical Friends Church - North America (EFC-NA), particularly targeting EFC-NA young adults. Persons who are not participants of EFC-NA churches are welcome to register and participate in Summit. We ask that all participants be compatible with and respectful towards EFC-NA Christ-centered beliefs.

December 28, 2023-January 1, 2024, Houston, TX
Evangelical Friends Church-North America (EFC-NA)

If you'd like to learn more, click here.
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